
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
Falling through custom courses?
Author Posted on 2018/04/11
User 660 This is my first time importing a custom track in Mario Kart DS. I made a track using Blender, used MKDS Course Modifier to convert it into an NSBMD and generate both an NSBTX texture pack and a KCL collision file. I replaced all the parts of Figure-8 Circuit with my new custom files. Everything loads as it should, the model, the textures, the music, but I fall through my stage. What am I doing wrong? inb4 "blender is the issue". If using Blender is somehow magically causing one tiny error in an otherwise perfect conversion, then I need a way to circumvent said singular tiny issue, not replace the program in use. I'm absolutely not using SketchUp to make custom maps. That's ridiculous.
Author Posted on 2018/04/11
Kitty Remilya Ambiance Try flipping the faces of the road in Blender, by pressing Ctrl+F, and then clicking "Flip Normals". Make sure the road faces/tris are selected.
Author Posted on 2018/04/11
User 660
Try flipping the faces of the road in Blender, by pressing Ctrl+F, and then clicking "Flip Normals". Make sure the road faces/tris are selected.

I made very certain throughout the creation of the map that the normals were facing the direction they needed to be facing. Walls point in-ward to boundaries, floors face upward so the player can drive on them, normals are not an issue. I have experience with one-sided polygons through working on SM64. Thanks for replying, though.

Quick question, though, cause I think this might be the source of the issue; Do KCL files have actual 3-Dimensional collision data? Or do they ONLY store information about material behavior? If its 3D data as well as material behavior, then I think the level geometry is being upscaled without the KCL also being upscaled. Even so, I realigned the start point to be above the KCL's data using EFE, so it should be colliding even with the inaccurate collision data. Anyone have thoughts on this as well?
Author Posted on 2018/04/12
Kitty Remilya Ambiance KCL stores the 3D collision data.

Also make sure that you scaled your course model 16x bigger, then saved it as a seperate model, and use it to create the KCL.