Author |
Posted on 2018/07/13
テクニカル諏訪子 |
Just provide your answer and maybe your reason too. �?Question 1】 A bus left the Scarlet Devil Mansion; three people boarded at the start At Hakugyokurou, one left and half a person boarded At Yakumo-san's house, two people left; so how many passengers in total? �?Question 2】 At Reimu's home, someone broke a million-yen vase Eientei's Eirin came to reimburse her The prankster Tewi feigns ignorance; what is the final amount of compensation? |
Author |
Posted on 2018/07/13
SGC Yellow |
Question 1 = Fifty percent of a single person is left on the bus, I suppose. I have no idea how you could have only half a person, so I'm just going to assume it's a whole person who was cut in half vertically, and is somehow alive, and able to board a bus. Question 2 = Couldn't tell you, I'm far from perfect at math so.. 9 yen? Although, I feel like it's some kind of riddle referencing something... |
Author |
Posted on 2018/07/14
テクニカル諏訪子 |
�?Answer 1】 The answer is, the answer is, zero people, zero people That's because, that's because, There are no buses in Gensokyo! �?Answer 2】 The answer is, the answer is, zero yen, zero yen, That's because, that's because There's no way that vase exists |