
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
Getting Started
Author Posted on 2018/11/26
User 779 I was screwing around with my 3DS and websites and trying to download hacks for Mario Kart 7 or DS: whichever I could find or do easily. Now I'm sitting here filling this out because I'm very confused and new to this sort of thing. I don't know barely know where to start in downloading custom tracks or any sort of hack and am looking for help. I've never hacked a 3DS before, and have only hacked a few PC games. Even so, that was a few years ago.

My point is I am looking for some sort of well-made step-by-step instruction video or website that can give me clear directions on necessary actions and precautions in screwing my 3DS as I am about to do. Even if I were to install them properly, I doubt I'd be able to remove them if I felt it was necessary, let alone work them properly.

If anyone can direct me to some sort of "help for beginners" type thing that'd be greatly appreciated. Once again, not looking for anything crazy, just something simple that I can use on my game.
Author Posted on 2018/11/26
テクニカル諏訪子 For the 3DS itself, I heard this is a good one:

For Mario Kart 7 specifically, this category might have something, though most of them might be outdated or incomplete as of today: