
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
Someone might be stealing romhacks
Author Posted on 2018/06/07
User 268 EDIT: I was being a massive idiot and said untrue things, so this thread is redundant.

To clarify I'm not accusing, I just want to make sure.
Hey guys, this guy on GBATemp's claiming to be making a full Mariokart DS romhack, but all of his screenshots and "proof of concept" videos seem to be exactly what's on this store, and each track's made by different people on here so it can't be one guy making them.
I'm not sure if he's doing it with consent from the creators, or if he's doing legitimate work, but I think he's claiming this as his own from what he's talking about on the thread. Can someone tell if he's doing it legitimately or taking credit for other people's work?

If he's doing it illegitimately I might call him out on it. I don't like people who steal and take credit for other people's work.
Otherwise if he's doing it legitimately then props to him. I'm just not sure, because he seems to be doing it fairly quickly and not wanting to share resources with anyone.

Author Posted on 2018/06/07
Aerodo He is doing it fairly quickly because he isn't the only person working on this. Also literally all GCN tracks in the Hack Store are by him or he helped to make, so he is gonna enchance them for GCGP.
Author Posted on 2018/06/07
テクニカル諏訪子 This is SGC's evil twin brother.
That guy is the same guy as this guy.
Author Posted on 2018/06/07
SGC Yellow Yes, clearly I stole CTs from myself, nice work detective!

Hey guys, this guy on GBATemp's claiming to be making a full Mariokart DS romhack, but all of his screenshots and "proof of concept" videos seem to be exactly what's on this store, and each track's made by different people on here so it can't be one guy making them.
I'm not sure if he's doing it with consent from the creators, or if he's doing legitimate work, but I think he's claiming this as his own from what he's talking about on the thread. Can someone tell if he's doing it legitimately or taking credit for other people's work?

By the way, have you ever stopped to think that maybe I uploaded them here? Hmm, shocking, right?
Plus, did you ever stop to look, and see my name in the list of creators of these tracks? Hmm...

You know, it would have been way better if you had taken the time to look, and read carefully before posting this at all, and making yourself look stupid.

it can't be one guy making them.

Can't it? I've been on this site for about 4 years making each of these, and I've ported each of the 16 main tracks from MKDD on my own in some form, or another in the past, or I've worked with others to do so.
Author Posted on 2018/06/08
User 268 Really sorry for being an idiot, won’t happen again. Fantastic job though, and your commitment to this is amazing.
Author Posted on 2018/06/24
テクニカル諏訪子 Shit happens.