
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
Staff 180!
Author Posted on 2015/11/12
MKGirlism First off, this wasn't discussed democratically, so my apologies for that one.

Anyway, I've noticed that Davidevgen, Solaris, and Szymbar15 have been inactive, and therefore, I revoked their Moderatorship.
In return, I decided to give Super a chance as a Moderator.
Seriously, he did lots of useful Tutorials lately, and he's very mature, for a kid.
Besides, now with Solaris and Davidevgen being regular Members again, Tomix from Team America would have been alone for some time, while Team Europe is asleep.
Not that I don't feel lonely at Team Japan, but...well...you know what I mean!

Current Staff:
Team Japan:

Team America:

Team Europe:
Haruhi Ermiiworth