
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
What would you do in the after life?
Author Posted on 2016/02/18
SGC Yellow For starters this does not apply to any specific religion or, any religion at all, you are free to post based off what you think and, your opinions! What would you do in the after life? Because I don't know what I would do. :/ As far as i'm concerned I would just keep doing what I'am doing now. I hope there is an after life because it would be quite a shame if we were basically to go into an endless sleep. :P
Author Posted on 2016/02/18
MKGirlism Humans are like machines; once defect, you no longer work.
I never believed in an after life, it doesn't even make sense to live while being dead.
Author Posted on 2016/02/20
LeonisaTrotsky Hell is probably pretty nice so I dunno… haram stuff?
Author Posted on 2016/03/01
Svenskig I hope there's internet of some sort.
Author Posted on 2016/03/12
For starters this does not apply to any specific religion or, any religion at all, you are free to post based off what you think and, your opinions! What would you do in the after life? Because I don't know what I would do. :/ As far as i'm concerned I would just keep doing what I'am doing now. I hope there is an after life because it would be quite a shame if we were basically to go into an endless sleep. :P

Endless sleep quite concerns me... I don't know if there is an afterlife, but I really hope there is.