
Archive Generated December 23rd, 2018
To Sami Tarraf
Author Posted on 2016/07/11
MKGirlism Dear Sami Tarraf, Sami, USB@Sami, DARK@Sami, DARK SAMI, or however else you're planning to call yourself yet,

We are not YouTube, and we are not GBATemp.
That said, we actually care about the quality of this Community, so simply creating a new Account after being Banned here is not going to work.
Also, even if you get Banned, Term 10 still applies, and you're not an exception, so once you've got Banned, you stay Banned.
It's simple as that!

Next time I see you violate Term 10, I'll contact your ISP, although I'm not sure I will win, since you live in a Muslim country, and I'm not religious.
Author Posted on 2016/07/11
SGC Yellow Hopefully that gets through to him, I swear he has one of the thickest skulls ever...